10:00 a. m.Pequeñas! Esta vez Os traigo un post sobre belleza más que nada, pero he descubierto una marca nueva (al menos para mi) de cosméticos y la verdad que me ha sorprendido. Y esto no es una colaboración que quede claro.
La marca se llama ´´Pinkduck London´´, no se si habréis oído alguna vez esta marca. Llevo alrededor de un mes usando sus productos y estoy bastante satisfecha. Otra cosa es que la calidad es bastante buena. Están muy bien hechos y a parte el precio es una de las cosas que más me ha sorprendido siendo tan buena calidad.
Hasta ahora tengo la máscara de pestañas que cumple todos los requisitos que yo siempre he querido, el colorete que lo uso más para el tema de ´´couturing´´ y aveces como sombra de ojos, que pigmenta bastante bien , y por ultimo un pintalabios (no es efecto mate) de un color rosa bastante natural.
Os dejo con las fotos y los productos los podéis encontrar en todas las perfumerías-droguerías Primor.
Un besito y hasta otra.
Little! This time I bring you a post about beauty more than anything, but I have discovered a brand new (at least for me) cosmetics and the truth that surprised me. And this is not a collaboration that is clear.
Little! This time I bring you a post about beauty more than anything, but I have discovered a brand new (at least for me) cosmetics and the truth that surprised me. And this is not a collaboration that is clear.
The brand is called'Pinkduck London'', I do not know if you have ever heard this mark. I've been using your products for about a month now and I'm pretty satisfied. Another thing is that the quality is quite good. They are very well made and apart the price is one of the things that has surprised me the most being so good quality.
Until now I have the mascara that meets all the requirements that I have always wanted, the rouge that I use more for the subject of''couturing'' and sometimes as eye shadow, which pigment quite well, and finally a lipstick (Not matt effect) of a fairly natural pink color.
I leave you with the photos and the products you can find in all the perfume-pharmacies Primor.
One kiss and another.
Until now I have the mascara that meets all the requirements that I have always wanted, the rouge that I use more for the subject of''couturing'' and sometimes as eye shadow, which pigment quite well, and finally a lipstick (Not matt effect) of a fairly natural pink color.
I leave you with the photos and the products you can find in all the perfume-pharmacies Primor.
One kiss and another.
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