Buenas otra vez aqui. Me alegro un monton, de poder dedicaros un ratito. Esta vez Os he preparado algo del tema de belleza, en concreto tiene que ver mas con cosmeticos y maquillaje.
Hace poco me he permitido ir de compras y entre ellos hay un pequeno tesoro. Ese tesoro, ahora es mi mejor amigo a la hora de hacerme el maquillaje diario.
Con seguridad ya habreis oido el termino ''contouring'', es decir, aplicarse bases de maquillaje en dados lugares de la cara y una vez ya mezcladas, el rostro ovalado parece mas delgado.
Cosa que hasta poco no tenia oportunidad para probar.
Pero, eso hace unos dias cambio. Como contaba ese tesoro es esta preciosa combinacion de colores para marcar las conturas del rostro. Sinceramente no me esperaba un efecto tan fantastico.
La aplicacion de este producto es muy facil. Yo me lo aplico con la brocha, pero tambien podeis usar la beauty blender. El precio de este cosmetico me parece hasta demasiado barato, para la calidad que nos ofrece la marca.
Bueno y ahora si, Os dejo con las fotos y esta semana aun os dejare un tutorial de maquillaje.
Besitos mis amores!
Sweethearts !!
Good again here. I'm glad a lot, to be able to spend a little time. This time I have prepared some of the theme of beauty, specifically has to do more with cosmetics and makeup. I recently allowed myself to go shopping and among them there is a small treasure. That treasure is now my best friend when it comes to making me the daily makeup. Surely you have heard the term '' contouring '', that is to say, applying bases of makeup in places on the face and once mixed, the oval face appears thinner. Which I had little opportunity to try.
But that changed a few days ago. What counts that treasure is this precious combination of colors to mark the conturas of the face. I honestly did not expect such a fantastic effect. The application of this product is very easy. I apply it with the brush, but you can also use the beauty blender. The price of this cosmetic seems to me too cheap, for the quality that offers us the brand.
Good and now yes, I leave you with the photos and this week I'll even leave you a makeup tutorial.
Kisses my loves